Friday, June 19, 2015

Act 2 Scene 1

As you all know it's that time again - summary!

Please summarize Act 2 Scene One with a minimum of 300 words.

Please comment on two other students summaries with kind constructive comments helping them have a greater understanding of the scene.


Original post:

10 points - well thought out original post that meets 300 words or more with minimal errors.
8 points - well thought out original post that meets 300 words but many spelling and grammatical errors.
5 points - some thought shown, does not meet 300 words, and many errors.
0 points  - little to no thought or copy and pasted from summary website.

10 points - two thoughtful and helpful comments that help the original poster and the rest of the class gain understanding. Meets 3 sentence requirement.
8 points - two thoughtful and helpful comments, but a few grammatical errors or missing a sentence.
5 points- one good comment and one comment missing or two short comments that do not benefit the class.
0 points - no comments or comments do not meet requirements.